- April 26, 2016
- By Texas Express
- In Maintenance
- 1828
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Now that we’ve made it through the winter, and spring is quickly passing by, it’s time to relax and enjoy the looming Texas summer, right? Well yes, right after all the summer maintenance and preparations are finished so your trusty chariot runs smoothly during the inevitable heatwaves. So make sure that checklist is marked off and your car is ready for the new season. While there are never any guarantees that a belt won’t snap or a mechanical failure won’t randomly happen, safeguards definitely put the odds in your favor.
When the temperature changes, air pressure changes in your vehicle’s tires. First and foremost, the pressure in your tires has almost certainly changed, even in garaged vehicles. Also be sure to inspect your tires for wear & tear. If they’re looking worn and threadbare, it may be about time for a new set.
In addition to the extra mileage you’ll likely put on your car during the summer (vacation trips, visits to the river or beach, etc.), there is also heavier particles from that salt, brine and other winter related congestants that will require an air filter change. Having a clogged air filter will reduce gas mileage, which means spending extra gas money.
These were grouped together because, not unlike yourself, your vehicle needs to be kept from overheating. The hot Texas summer weather will have a similar impact on both of you, so be certain that the Freon levels, belts, coolant levels have been addressed.
Starting your vehicle during cold conditions (especially during some of those brutally cold conditions) will wear on the life of a battery. Shortly after winter is the optimum time to have the battery tested to be sure it isn’t about to fail on you.
Hopefully, as a responsible car owner, you’ve taken your car in for regular maintenance, and with each new season comes the seasonal upkeep. Everything from oil, fluid levels and wipers should be evaluated in adherence to maintenance schedules and seasonal preparations.
These basic steps will help to ensure that your vehicle runs well, remains safe and mechanically sound. If you’re uncomfortable checking out your car to ensure everything is as it should be, be sure to visit us at Texas Express Lube and we’d love to check everything out for you. Summer vehicle maintenance is where that old adage, ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ holds particularly true. Now go finish that vehicle maintenance so you can enjoy your summer with peace of mind!